
VLOOKUP Function in Excel

VLOOKUP Function in Excel

VLOOKUP is the most powerful function in excel and used to search a value in another table like as we have a one table where Emp Code, Emp Name, Designation and Department, and another table where is Emp Code and want data emp name then we use VLOOKUP function. Example is given below.

Data Sheet 1

We have a table Emp Code, Emp Name, Department & Designation and another table where we have Emp Code..

On the above table we need Employee Name, Department & Designation from table with the help of VLOOKUP function.

Click on tab “Formula”à Lookup ReferenceàVLOOKUP

After clicking VLOOKUP function this window will appear, and then we set Lookup_value for this we select cell (A2), then we select Table_array from Data Sheet 1 and select range A to B as mention below picture.

Col_index_num will be “2” for “Employee Name” and Range_lookup will be False for exact match and True for Approximate value, here we will show only False for Exact Match.

 Then press enter then copy the formula and paste from cell B2 to B18, and you got the Employee Name data from Data sheet 1 as below mention picture.


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